Pandora's Business Incubator (PBI)

Enabling Users to Invest in Early Stage Projects

Pandora’s Business Incubator (PBI) program will help start-ups, companies and entrepreneurs develop their businesses, products and services, by obtaining the needed funds, growth, and desired marketing position to become operational sustainable companies. Supporting projects in-house, with innovative proposals guarantees high quality projects within our investment funds, maximizing the possibilities for bigger returns.

Pandora's Business Incubator (PBI) program consists of three fundamental areas to support ideas and ventures based on their different stages.

Having the next as our main objectives:

  • Viable product or service development

  • Business model validation and development

  • Work Team creation and enhancement

  • Assets and liabilities study and knowledge

  • Operational Processes - Viability and reliability determination

Our goal is to facilitate and accelerate the creation process for new projects through our different programs focusing on each stage of the company's life.

Reach out to Alpha Stage when having an idea and are not aware of its full potential.

If you already have a project, with its foundations and you want to launch it on the market, Delta Stage is for you.

You are already an operating startup, you have sales and a stable operating system, visit Omega Stage to develop and boost your startup to the next level.

PBI Stages

Alpha Stage

Create, evaluate and develop solid foundations for your startup in order to have a validated and proven concept that delivers value and real solutions.

Delta Stage

Obtain resources, in order to develop a work team focused on effective and efficient operational execution seeking to launch your product or service in the market, obtain exposure into your target market, create relationships with customers and suppliers, thus creating a profitable startup.

Omega Stage

Capital injections in the development of the startup, grow your market share, increase income through strategies and continuous improvements to take your start-up to the next level, in search of consolidation and evolution to a more recognized and reliable company.

Last updated